Using Pocket you can set up contacts who will be alerted in the case of an emergency. To alert your device to an emergency, make an assistance call by saying make assistance call
Assistance contacts are contacts which will be called or texted, and told you are in need of assistance, in the event of an emergency when you make an assistance call.
To create an assistance contact, you will have to create a contact as normal, but name the contact assistance followed by the name of the person. For example, you could create a contact named Assistance Nick. Alternatively, if you want to make an existing contact into an assistance contact, you will need to rename the contact, so that the persons name is preceeded by the word assistance.
You can use Pocket to make assistance calls. Assistance calls can be made in the event of an emergency. Making an assistance call will cause Pocket to text your assistance contacts, and let them know you are in need of assistance. Pocket will additionally call the first assistance contact in your contact list, the contact list is ordered alphabetically. To make an assistance call, say make assistance call.