Pocket can send and receive text messages.
Sending a Text Message by using your Voice
- To send a text to a contact, say Send text to James Bond
- To send a text to a number, say Send a text to 0412 039 495
You will be asked to speak the message, that is, dictate it.
Pocket will then replay it to you, and you will be asked if you want to send it.
You can reply to Pocket with either a Yes or No, or if you want to add another recipient for the message you can say add followed by a phone number, or the name of one of your contacts.
Read and Respond to Text Message by using your Voice
- To read texts say; Read Messages. Pocket will read you a numbered list of messages, and the first few words from each.
- Say Next to move on to the next five messages
- Choose the message to read from the list by saying its number and you will hear the whole text
- You will then be given a list of options of what to do next. To make your choice say one of the following:
reply to reply
delete to delete the message
read again to get Pocket to repeat the message
list to get Pocket to list all the messages again