You can access your voicemail using your Pocket device.
To access your voicemail with ease we suggest you create a voicemail contact. Instructions on how to do this are as follows:
To create a voicemail contact, you will first need to find the voicemail phone number of your mobile carrier or service provider. Once you have this number you can create a contact called voicemail. To do this, first say Add contact, and then when your device prompts you to give a name and a number for the contact, say voicemail followed by the voicemail phone number.
Once you have created this voicemail contact you will be able to access your voicemail with ease by saying Call voicemail. Saying this will cause your device to ring the voicemail number, while on this call, you will likely need to use the dial pad to select different options. To do this slowly slide your figner around the touchscreen and lift it off when you hear Enable touchscreen, this option will be close to the bottom of the touchscreen in the centre. Once you have done this the dial pad will appear on your touchscreen, slide your finger slowly around the touchscreen and lift it off when you hear the number you want to input. More information on how to use the dial pad and other features of phone calls are detailed in the Phone calls, making, answering and returning them section of the user guide.
If you ask Pocket to Call voicemail when there is no existing voicemail contact, your device will tell you that this is the case, and give you a brief set of instructions on how to set up your voicemail. So if you are not sure if you have set up your voicemail contact you can always try this out.