The monthly plan you have purchased along with this nifty little device, allows you to download a certain amount of data per month, and this is called your download quota.
All interactions that you have with Pocket use up some of this download quota, with audio books, Internet Radio and Podcasts using up the most, and newspapers using the least.
If you go over your download quota for the month there are no additional charges, however, the download speeds will be limited for the remainder of the month, and this may affect the quality of your interactions with Pocket.
It is also important to note that you only have a quota for downloads on the mobile network, so any downloads you make while connected to a WiFi network do not count against your quota. This is a good reason to configure a WiFi network if you have access to one or more of these. See the
If you regularly reach 100 per cent of your quota during the month, you can connect Pocket to a WiFi network while you are at home, at work, or at your favourite cafe that offers one. Just say, Configure WiFi, and hand Pocket over to a friendly staff member to type in the password.