
Pocket comes with bundled access to over 100
  • Book libraries
  • Getting Started on Books

    You can get started reading a book by saying read me a book or What books do you have? or List books. Pocket will list all the available book libraries and you can select from the list by number.

    Once you have chosen a book source, Pocket will list books from that source, giving you five at a time. You can select a book from this list by number, or at the end of a list of five books say next to be given the next list of five books. You can also jump around the list by larger numbers of items by saying jump forward 30 or jump back 12 and so on.

    Recent books function

    The recent books option allows you to choose from a list of books that you have recently been reading, without having to search for them again. To get to this list you can say, Go to my recent books or you can select number one from the book sources list. When you select a book from the recent books list, Pocket will continue reading it at the same place that you were up to. To delete books from your recent list first say go to my recent books then if you want to delete the third book say delete number 3. To delete the rest of your book list from the 4th item say delete rest from number 4.

    Searching for Books

    The best way to use the book catalogue is to search by author, with title or about topic. Once you have chosen a book source, the best way to use the book catalogue is to search by author, with title or about topic. For instance you can say Find books by Jane Austen or Search for books with title Pride and Prejudice or Find books about Christmas.You do not have to leave the book that you are currently reading to do a search for another book from the same book source. For example, you might be in the middle of a chapter of Jane Eyre, and decide to do a search for another book. Just say Find books titled Great Expectations and Pocket will conduct that search for you straight away.

    When choosing a book, you can select from a list by number. Just say, Number 1 or The last one or The third one. You can also interrupt a listing and say That one or Yes.

    Once you have selected a book your device will prompt you to say play or add to bookshelf. You can interrupt the synopsis at any time and say play to start reading the book.

    Once Pocket has given you a list you can also ask it to jump to items within the list. For example, you could say next starting with B and Pocket will jump to the next item in the list starting with the letter B. You could also say something like next containing ocean to jump to the next item in the list which contains the word ocean.

    Alternatively if you have not yet chosen a book source, you can include one in your search phrase, for example you could say Find Librevox books by Charles Dickens.

    Pause, Stop, Repeat and Continue.

    When reading a book you can say, pause or stop to pause the book, and then say Continue or Resume to resume where you stopped.

    You can also pause the book by holding down the talk button for two seconds. You will hear a small, tish, sound to signal that Pocket has now paused. To resume, hold the talk button for two seconds, you will hear the same sound again to signal that Pocket has now unpaused.

    If you would like Pocket to repeat something that it just said, you can say repeat or say that again and Pocket will repeat the last thing it said, or start reading the current article from the beginning again.

    Saying continue is also very useful. If you have been listening to a book and then you put Pocket down for a while, when you return you can simply say, Continue and Pocket will start again where it left off. However, if you leave Pocket for too long, It will eventually forget what it was doing. If this happens, it will let you know that there is nothing to continue.

    Note that when Pocket resumes reading a book after being paused or when you say continue, it will start from the beginning of the current sentence so that you retain your reading context.

    Jump Back, Jump Forward, and Go Back

    A very handy feature to learn is the jump feature. It is necessary to note that this feature changes slightly depending on what you are reading

    While reading an e-book (which is a text based book read out by Pocket) , if you say Jump back 5 Pocket will take you back 5 sentences. If you say Jump forward 8 It will take you forward 8 sentences, and so on.

    While listening to an audio book you can jump backward and forward by minutes. For example, to jump back by ten minutes say jump back ten. Or to jump forward by four minutes you would say, jump forward four. Note that you do not need to say minutes at the end.

    If you wish to browse the sections of a book, and return to where you were reading in a particular section, you can say Go back, to go back a section and read from where you left off. Also, if you make a mistake in your choice of book saying Go back allows you to return to your previous list without having to start your search again.

    You can also check your position in any book you are reading. First say stop to pause the book, and then say position , or where am I? or describe. In Your Pocket will respond to this with a detailed statement about your position in the book. From this point you can use any other commands related to book reading, such as jumping backwards or forwards through the book, moving between sections, hearing the table of contents, and more.

    We recommend interacting with books in this sequence, by first pausing, then asking for your position in the book, and then proceeding with any other book related commands.

    Navigating with the table of contents

    You can also navigate directly through the book by using the table of contents, to do this say contents or list contents. Your device will list the contents of the book, you can then decide if you would like to play the book starting from one of the sections listed, or, if you would like to explore one of these sections further by getting a list of its subsections.

    For example a table of contents may say:

    In this example you could choose to start listening from the beginning of part one by saying play number one. Alternatively you could listen to the breakdown of part one by saying number one, your device will then list any chapters or other subsections part one contains. You can continue traversing through the table of contents in this way, going down a level into more specific sections of the book each time. At any point in time during this traversal you can choose to start listening to a section listed by saying play followed by the number it is listed as. When you reach the lowest level of the book your device will say no further breakdown for this part and will take you back to the list of sections you just heard.

    At any point in time you can also go back to the previous level / list of sections you just heard by saying go back

    Navigating Sections

    All books are divided into sections for easy reference. To hear a list of sections you can say Section index or List sections or What sections do you have?
    Pocket will list the sections of the book in groups of five, and you can select from the list by number, or by interrupting the listing and saying That one.

    For e-Books, the first one or more sections of the book comprise all the publishing information and other introductory content found at the start of a book. Pocket will assume that you do not want to hear all that, and it will automatically start reading your book at the section that contains the main text of the book. Section two is often the start of the main text or first chapter of the book, and the sections after that are the subsequent chapters. If you would like to hear the introductory information say Go to section one or Previous section.

    Sometimes the introductory content might take more than one section to cover. It can be difficult to find where the book actually starts, so if Pocket gets it wrong, just say, next section to move forward until you find the section you want to begin reading.

    Please note that section numbers will generally not coincide with chapter numbers. However, you can still ask for, Next chapter and Pocket will interpret this as you wanting to move to the next section.

    Pocket will continue to read the book section by section. To jump around between the sections you can interrupt the book at any time and say Next section or Previous section or Go to section 5. Please note that if you change sections, Pocket will begin reading that section at the start again.

    To help you know where you are in the book, Pocket will also announce what percentage of the book you are up to at regular intervals.

    Pocket keeps track of where you are up to in each book. So if you start a new book without finishing a previous book, when you come back to the previous book, It will begin reading where we were up to last time.

    If you are reading a book and would like to go back to the beginning, you can say reset the book and it will start the book all over again. Resetting a book is useful if you are sharing the device with others, and you want to read the same book that someone else has already read.

    If you are listening to a section and would like to hear it again from the start, just ask for it again. For instance if you are listening to Section 3 say Go to Section 3 and I will start reading that section from the start.

    Browsing books using the Portal

    You can also see what books are available using the user portal. To do this you will need to go to the web site , log in to your account, and select the Catalogue Browsing button.

    On this web page you will find three sections for browsing; books, radio stations and podcasts. With books being the first on the web page. In the books section you can choose to browse all books, or search by Title, Author, Description or all of these fields.

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