To hear a list of all the available podcast sources you can say, Play me a podcast, or, Listen to podcasts, or, List the podcasts, or, What podcasts do you have?
You can go straight to a podcast source by saying Play me podcasts from NPR, or, Find podcasts from BBC.
Once you have chosen a podcast source, Pocket will list the podcast programs from that source in alphabetical order, giving you five at a time. At the end of a list of five programs say, next to be given the next list of five programs. You can also jump around the list by larger numbers of items by saying, jump forward thirty, or, jump back twelve.
You can also search for topics by saying, find podcasts about black holes or, search for podcasts on South Africa.To search for a particular program say, Play me Friday Night Comedy, or, Play me The Archers. You can restrict your search to a particular source by saying, search for podcasts from BBC about David Cameron, or, play me the science show from ABC.
You can also interrupt the listing at the item you want. Just press the talk button and say, That one, or, Yes.
You can also see what podcasts are available using the user portal. To do this you will need to go to the web site , log in to your account, and select the Catalogue Browsing button.
On this web page you will find three sections for browsing; books, radio stations and podcasts. With pocasts being the lowest on the web page. In the podcasts section you can choose to browse all podcast programs, or search by Episode title, Episode description, Program name or all of these fields.